The stunning human tragedy of Katrina makes the impeachment
of President Bush more urgent. His priority is not poor people, but militarism to exploit the poor at home and abroad.
President Bush sent National Guard units to Iraq from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi in a criminal war of aggression
and military occupation. They were thus unavailable to provide emergency services in their own states, or protect their own
families. He refused to return them from Iraq to save and serve their own people, instead only authorizing the return
of some Air National Guard personnel to protect and repair equipment at an Air Force Base. These forces and the
resources that they command should be used to meet people's needs, not for violence.
His tax cuts for the rich, huge increases in military spending and deliberate slashes in social programs, including those
funds specifically requested for flood control and to strengthen dikes in New Orleans and the surrounding areas, and
his complete failure to even consider emergency transportation for the known poor in the path of a level-5 hurricane,
followed by days of failure to send federal emergency relief personnel to seek and save the many thousands whose lives were
known to be threatened, who were pleading for help on television and who faced death, was criminal negligence at best,
and a failure to faithfully perform his duties as President.
George W. Bush will never recognize the rights or human dignity of the immense and growing population of Americans - overwhelmingly
African American and other minorities and elderly - living in Third World conditions here at home. They were the principal
victims of Katrina, as they are of his failure to assure equal protection of the laws to all. Their plight and peril will
worsen while President Bush remains President.
The only act that can stop President Bush from continuing his criminal war of aggression against Iraq and his arrogant
criminal acts and threats against Cuba, Haiti, Iran, Korea, Syria, Venezuela and any country in his path is impeachment. Impeachment
is an act already two years past due. The cost of delay is staggering: two thousand U.S. military deaths, ten thousand and
more wounded, many thousands more disabled, more than 100,000 Iraqi deaths, several hundred thousand injured, nearly $200
[billion] in federal funds, and even greater damage to Iraq in shattered lives and smashed cities and infrastructure. The
cost of delay, already staggering, is greater every day.
While proclaiming freedom his credo, George W. Bush has done more to destroy freedom and the human dignity which it nourishes
than all other Presidents in our history. Who would have dreamed of Abu Ghraib, scores of prisoners murdered, assassinations
and summary executions, Guantanamo, thousands imprisoned in the U.S. without Constitutional protections, or sent to be tortured
in client states with impunity, all for a President and those acting for him? What prior President has proclaimed himself
above the law, coerced more than 100 countries into bilateral treaties promising never to surrender a U.S. citizen to the
International Criminal Court?
The world watches and wonders why, if the American people are free, they fail to resist the criminal violence of their
The only act that can redeem the United States in the hearts and minds of those still capable of forgiving and believing
our government can change its violent ways is the impeachment of George W. Bush and the responsible officials of his administration
before it is too late.
The time to begin a final drive for impeachment is now. Together, we are not helpless. Power is in the people united for
peace. Perseverance through the midterm Congressional elections in November 2006 can force incumbent members of the House
of Representatives to impeach President Bush or face defeat. Failing that, it can restore integrity and honor to the President's
oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The Constitution, written with the abuses of King George III painfully in mind, is unequivocal in the action required for
criminal conduct of civil officers of the United States:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment
for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Article II, Section 4.
The Nuremberg Judgment proclaimed war of aggression "the Supreme international crime." World War II was comprised of wars
of aggression. President Bush boasted assassination and summary executions in his 2003 State of the Union message.
We need your help. Vote to Impeach. Persuade others to vote to impeach now.
The impeachment campaign will be achieving its largest ever street visibility by organizing a huge contingent on September
24th, at what will be the largest peace demonstration in Washington D.C. since the war of aggression against Iraq began in
March 2003. The demonstration will call loud and clear for impeachment, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan,
and full reparations to the victims of U.S. violence.
We are organizing buses from many cities on September 24th. Ticket prices are being kept low so that everyone who wants
to come can attend. Printing banners, signs, posters add to the expenses. We are also preparing to publish another round of
full page ads in the New York Times and other newspapers so that the message of impeachment resonates not only on September
24, but in the critical weeks and months ahead.
We need money now to help promote and transport people who want peace to Washington on September 24, for the next
round of newspaper ads, and for the acceleration and continuation of the impeachment drive into the Congressional elections
next year. Please take a moment to make a much needed donation, by clicking here
Ramsey Clark